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Free Sundays


Date: May 5, 2024 - 01:00 PM
Place: Les Jardins de Métis
Price: 0$


With just a month before the gardens open, we sense the impatience from every quarter. Trees are budding and lupins can already be seen breaking through in the meadow. Birds are back and busy collecting loose material to build their nests. The gardens are a rich ecosystem that comes to life with intensity at the same time.   

Sunday, May 5 offers you an opportunity to enjoy a glimpse of the coming season. For the Free Sunday, you are invited to: 

  • walk the pathways of the historic gardens and of the International Garden Festival  
  • attend a lecture by ornithologist Mikaël Jaffré on the migration of birds 
  • renew your Season’s Pass at the ticket booth with France or Marjelaine   
  • sample a culinary creation by chef Frédéric -Boucher:

          - fried doughnuts with clementine marmalade and caramel chocolate sauce (7$) 

          - Coffee (2$).

  • purchase one of the items from our Garden Shop selected by manager Anne-Marie Pilon: 

          -  A BROME BIRD CARE bird-feeder 

          - The book Tête de linotte : innovation et intelligence chez les oiseaux by Louis Lefebvre 

          - Books and items in the Jardins de Métis colours.


Season’s Pass holders enjoy a 10% discount on items from the Garden Shop, just one of the many member privileges.   

Those who renewed their Season’s Pass between November 1 2023 and February 18 2024 are welcome to collect your copy of the free book offered to early renewals.  

Don’t forget that you have until May 12 to purchase your Season’s Pass and win your pass.  

Free Sunday: 1 pm to 5 pm 

Mikaël Jaffré lecture, 1:30 pm, Aire Desjardins of the Great Hall


Admission is free. Cash or on-line voluntary contributions to support our program of off-season activities will be welcome. 

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