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BOOK LAUNCH | Les saumons de la Mitis, by Christine Beaulieu

Date: September 9, 2023 - 04:00 PM
Place: L'aire Desjardins du Grand hall
Price: 0$

BOOK LAUNCH | Les saumons de la Mitis, by Christine Beaulieu

After J'aime Hydro, Christine Beaulieu has written a new work based on the documentary theatre performance on the salmon of the Mitis River. First performed in 2021 at Les Jardins de Métis, on the outdoor space La Véranda designed by architect Pierre Thibault, and presented again in 2022, the work has now been transformed into a book. The book will be available in bookstores from September 20. Christine Beaulieu wished to see the book launched at the gardens, where the project started, returning like the salmon returning to the river of their birth.

With illustrator Caroline Lavergne, Christine invites readers of all ages to put themselves in the skin of the salmon to discover their impressive voyage and to imagine how their world has been transformed by humans. A provocative text that marries science, history and poetry and that encompasses beauty and the fragility of nature.

For the book launch, an exhibition of original drawings by Caroline Lavergne will be on display, several of which will also be for sale.

The event is free with admission to the gardens (you must pay admission when you register for the event). Admission is free for Les Amis des Jardins de Métis; members should present their season’s pass on their arrival. Get your tickets in advance here.

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